Join us for an evening of spontaneous and prophetic worship with music and songs
Ascend Worship Evenings
New dates to be confirmed
Psalm 24 asks the question, "Who may ascend the hill of the LORD, who may stand in His Holy place?" Jesus has made a way for us to draw near to Him - where He is. To boldly approach and join with thousands of angels - an invitation that remains for us all.
We won't have a stage, a pre-determined list of songs or any words on a screen. But we will sing and make music as the Spirit leads; prophetic songs and melodies, new songs, old songs and scripture readings. Joined by a few musicians from around the county, we'll play acoustically 'in the round'. We come with hearts full of love for the LORD, and a longing to live from the realities of our heavenly position.
So... if any of that sounds like something you would like to be a part of, then please do come along and join us. The whole family is invited to be involved, but please note that there is no specific children's programme.